About Elizabeth

Elizabeth Holland is a Registered Clinical Counsellor practicing in Victoria, British Columbia. With a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology (UBC), she works with clients from diverse backgrounds, providing support, encouragement and guidance, while creating a warm and non-judgmental environment in which her clients can explore and resolve the challenges they are facing.


Elizabeth believes that people have the potential to grow and to make the positive changes they want to see in their lives and relationships, and that professional counselling can help people succeed in making these changes.


Working with a variety of techniques, Elizabeth customizes her approach to each client's needs. With theoretical and practical contributions from Person-Centred, Cognitive Behavioural, Attachment, Emotionally Focused, Mindfulness and body centred therapies, she is able to help clients work through their challenges at a pace with which they feel comfortable.


If you are facing challenges that you believe counselling could be helpful in resolving, Elizabeth welcomes the opportunity to work with you, to bring about the change you want to see in your life. Call or email today.