The following are some phone numbers, websites and books you may find helpful:


Phone Numbers:


Vancouver Island Crisis Line -  1-888-494-3888

A 24-hour telephone suicide and crisis support and resource service. (See link below for website.)

Trans Lifeline - 1-877-330-6366

A peer support hotline and resource service operated by and for trans people. (See link below for website.)


Websites: - The website for the Vancouver Island Crisis Society. Offers resources for those dealing with crisis, suicidal thoughts, or just needing mental health resources in their community.

A peer support hotline, resources service and website run by and for trans people. - A website created to help "young people to identify and understand mental distress they may be experiencing and to link them to sources of help that will enable them to learn skills and strategies to manage these problems". - A resource for young people, and for anyone who wants to learn more about dating, healthy relationships, and how to avoid or deal with abuse in relationships. - The website of the British Columbia branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. Their mission: "promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness" by providing information and resources. - "A resource and information site for transgender people and their allies on Vancouver Island". This site is full of resources, from student groups to health services, to social events, and nearly everything in between. 



'Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy' by David Burns, M.D. (Depression, Anxiety). Available at the Victoria Public Library, local bookstores, and from online book sellers.


'Don't Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks' by Reid Wilson, PhD. (Anxiety, Panic). Available at the Victoria Public Library, and from online book sellers.


'Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.' Sue Johnson, EdD. (Couples, Relationships) Available at the Victoria Public Library, local bookstores, and from online book sellers. 

Social Resources:
A website that connects you with like-minded people in Victoria who enjoy the same activities you do.
An organization within the LGBTQ community whose mission is to "empower those who are - or think they might be - gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited, intersex, friends and allies."


Sexual Health: - A website that offers "nonjudgmental, youth-friendly, and sex-positive services close to home". A referral and resource service. Also available at 1-800-739-7367.
A website for the Island Sexual Health Society, who offers "pro-choice and comprehensive sexual health clinics and education programs for all genders, orientations, identities, abilities, and ages in Greater Victoria, BC".